Hello there!
My name is Jaeyon Park, a User Experience and Product Designer based in Los Angeles.

What I Do:

I research and design human-centered products to create immersive, intuitive experiences that drive user engagement.

I focus in creative strategy, design thinking, interactive design, product management, and design systems. I thrive on being fully immersed in every stage of the design process and creating in a collaborative, lean-agile environment.

My creative approach centers around understanding consumers' demands and the motivations that influence their interactions.

My Process

Explore & Define

Delve into understanding the problem at hand by thoroughly researching the customers’ needs and working to establish a project brief.

Compile and analyze the insights gathered during the discover phase and define the key themes that center around customer focused solutions.

Evaluate & Design

Explore and propose various solutions to the identified problems through research.

Create the best prototypes to gather valuable user feedback, which helps validate and refine designs.

Handoff & Track

Provide annotated and polished designs with clear explanations to the engineering team. Monitor and ensure a smooth implementation process by working alongside Dev and QA.

Diligently track and monitor the performance of the solutions to measure success and update for improvement.

Featured Case Studies

Visual Designs

Hello there! I'm Jenny Park, a passionate UX designer with a penchant for crafting user-centered products that foster engaging experiences.

Beyond the design realm, I'm an avid globetrotter, always on the lookout for new culinary delights and cuddling every adorable dog I come across. Traveling is my ultimate source of inspiration, as it allows me to witness the beautiful interplay of diverse cultures and gain valuable insights from every country I visit—be it through the people, the architecture, or even the delicious foods!

Creating art and connecting with like-minded individuals are my true joys in life. Don't hesitate to strike up a conversation or explore my travel blog to discover some amazing destinations!

About Me: